What is The Difference Between Botox and Fillers?
It seems like there is a new miracle cream or cosmetic treatment popping up every day promising eternal youth and beauty. But there are a few treatments that have stood the test of time and are responsible for the seemingly ageless faces of celebrities and your genetically-blessed neighbors: Botox and fillers. With all of the non-surgical options on the market today, one of the most common questions our office receives is: which treatment option is right for me? We sat down with Dr. Sherry Ingraham, one of the founding physicians of Advanced Dermatology and the doctor responsible for many flawless faces of Houston’s elite, to learn more about these treatments.
What is Botox?
Before we breakdown the difference between Botox and fillers, Dr. Ingraham explains that Botox is actually the brand name of a type of neurotoxin. In the U.S. there are currently three FDA-approved neurotoxins available—Botox, Dypsport and Xeomin. Botox has become a household name, sort of like the Kleenex of neurotoxins if you will. All neurotoxins work by relaxing the muscle, preventing muscle contractions and therefore softening the appearance of lines and wrinkles. The duration of results vary from patient to patient with the average ranging from 3-4 months.
What are fillers?
Just as their name implies, most fillers are used to “fill-in” lines, wrinkles and facial volume loss. Depending on a patient’s desired results, dermatologists have a wide range of fillers at their disposal and will tailor a custom treatment based on those needs. Fillers can be subdivided by: hyaluronic acid (such as Juvederm, Voluma, or Restylane), calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) and poly L-lactic acid (Sculptra).
For more heavy lifting and volumizing of the cheek, mid-face and temple area; Radiesse, Restylane Lyft, Sculptra and Voluma are excellent treatment options while the lips and nasolabial folds (smile lines) require a lighter, more superficial filler such as Restylane, Restylane Silk, Juvederm Ultra or Ultra Plus.
Which treatment is right for me?
A quick and easy rule? Toxins treat lines of expression, while lines at rest need filler. Toxins and fillers are commonly used in conjunction to enhance results. An in-person consultation is the best way to determine the best treatment plan for your unique facial features.
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