Eskata – A New Way to Treat Wisdom Spots

A breakthrough in medicine — Eskata is the new FDA approved treatment for raised seborrheic keratoses that uses a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
What are Seborrheic Keratoses?
Seborrheic keratoses (SKs) are raised growths that are non-cancerous. They look like irregular, waxy moles or warts. Some common names for them are wisdom spots or barnacles. It is among the most common lesion diagnosed by dermatologists today, affecting some 83 million Americans. For something this common, no one has ever been able to understand the cause of these growths which can appear almost anywhere on our bodies. However, the condition is often associated with advancing age, family traits, and hormone changes. In the dermatology world, patients and doctors have requested a non-invasive treatment for these growths, and finally, there is one.
Other Treatments
Traditionally, seborrheic keratoses are removed using one of these methods, which can be painful for the patient.
Cryosurgery (freezing) – Use of liquid nitrogen to freeze SK cells so they dehydrate and fall off.
Curettage (cutting)– Scrapes the growth off with a special tool.
Laser (burning) — Uses a laser to remove SKs.
How Eskata Works:
Eskata is different. Eskata is a hydrogen peroxide-based topical solution developed by Aclaris Therapeutics. This treatment uses a “pen-like” applicator to apply the product to the growth. It is not painful and will give the patient a mere tingling, itchy feeling on the area being treated. This will not be an over the counter medicine as it can only be done by an experienced provider.
“This is truly revolutionary and Advanced Dermatology is so lucky to be one of the first practices to carry the product,” says our dermatologist Dr. Sherry Ingraham.
With Eskata, patients can have up to 7 to 10 lesions treated at once, depending upon size with each treatment. Most patients will need 1 to 2 treatments of Eskata. The most common adverse effects include some irritation and redness.
Eskata can only be administered by a healthcare professional. Call us today to schedule a cosmetic consultation to see if Eskata is right for you!