5 Little Known Facts About CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting has quickly become one of the most well-known non-invasive alternatives to liposuction, offering faster recovery time and no incisions at a smaller price tag. We’re sharing five more reasons to love this popular fat reduction treatment.
#1: Technology inspired by popsicles
The idea that cold can target fat cells without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue is called cyropolis and was discovered by scientists at Harvard when they noticed children who ate popsicles got dimples in their cheeks.
#2: Cut your treatment time in half with dualsculpting
Our practice offers dualsculpting which uses two CoolSculpting machines to treat two areas at the same time—saving you valuable time and delivering the results you want faster.
#3: You can now treat your arms and thighs
Coolsculpting is not just for your tummy—you can now use this procedure to treat your arms and thighs.
#4: Eliminate your double-chin
Don’t let your double-chin cause you to look older than you are. Our practice offers a unique Coolsculpting treatment designed specifically to eliminate fat under the chin using the unique CoolMini applicator.
#5: Experience matters!
Advanced Dermatology is one of the top CoolSculpting providers in the Houston area with the experience and expertise to deliver results.
Click here to schedule your FREE cosmetic consultation at our Katy, Pearland or Sugar Land office.